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 Pérola Bonfanti 

Pérola Bonfanti was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, in the end of 1983. The last years she lived in between her home town, NYC and Vienna. 

Working in multimedia collaborations and developing interactive urban art projects, she is specializing in the concept of game and site specific platforms, as seen in the 13 Portals, East Village, 2013. Also having full skills of classical techniques blends both languages to gets the final results in her projects.

Daughter of an important italo-brazilian neo-expressionist painter, Gianguido Bonfanti, she gowned up surrounded by the artistic environment. Interested in other artistic languages as music and literature, she graduated in Music at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro at 2009.

Since 2001 is part of the visual art school, Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage, as a student, passing through many important teachers and later as a supervisor in the Programa Fundamentação sponsored by the Secretary of Culture of the State of Rio de Janeiro. 

Pérola Bonfanti presented the Urban Art Game 4 Aces in Austria, Vienna 2014/2015, created in collaboration with the artists Nicolina Johnson, Zel Nonneberg and Marília Vasconcellos. Involving many important institutions such as the Albertina Museum and the Art History Museum, has the technical support of the organization Ars Eletronica and is sponsored by CC Real. The urban installation takes place at the open spaces of the Hofburg Palace.

In May 2015 Pérola Bonfanti gave a workshop at the Gamification Lab, Leuphana Luneburg University and presented the art game piece Nothing Remains Unseen at Blank Arcade, DiGRA 2015, Germany. Gave the lecture Site Specific Urban Art Game - Playing with the lifeworld at Alpen-Adria University, Austria and the workshop Vivências Criativas e Interterritorialismo at the global encounter Emergênciassponsored by the Brazilian Culture Ministry. 

She has works with privet and non privet collectors since 2011 in countries such as United States, Austria, France, Israel, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil.

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